Jack Walker Press

books for verdant, thoughtful, and joyful living

Rabbit Holes: Are you Subterranean Too?

Another Summer LitFriends Newsletter

LITFRIENDS* I recently read Carson Tate's "Work Simply" (affiliate link) and discovered I'm a Visualizer. I am a like a distracted bunny jumping down holes until I get a visual big picture of my writing project. Reading the book was a rabbit hole as I'm getting ready for hordes of houseguests and our Son's wedding, while we try to train and clean up after our puppy, and get our work-work done. But it was a helpful rabbit hole.

Learning about my writing productivity style taught me that I have to go down rabbit holes, that's where the wonder happens. Yet, I have to differentiate my tunnel-exploration time from my productivity time. I learned more about how to use my time as it applies to my writing productivity style. You can learn about your style with specific recommendations, by taking our quiz. Whether you're working on a book, a blog, or any writing project, this quiz might help you supercharge your output and bring your creative visions to life. But don't let this quiz distract you if you have writing momentum right now.

When you are ready, discover your style and the practices that may lead you to be a more productive writer. I'm hyped about this new understanding.

–Amy Lou Jenkins


Here's our concise email with three items to bolster your lit life a few times each month.


1.    #WriterNews

Subscribers can list their news on our FB page, or message us from there, and we may promote it in our newsletter and website. Share widely so we can support each other.

  • Mekiya Outini of Kansas City, Missouri was awarded the New Millennium Award for fiction. Outini will receive $1,000 and publication online and in print. You can read "Baptism by Earth" here. Mekiya and his partner are also co-authoring the upcoming memoir, "Blindness is the Light of My Life."
  • Joanne Nelson of Wisconsin celebrated her Publication Day with happy news. The Foreword Reviews editors chose her memoir, "My Neglected Gods," as their book of the day! The review is available at https://www.forewardreviews.com/reviews/my-neglected-gods/

Look for our Jack Walker Press Writer courses coming in Fall.


2.    #CallsForSubmissions

These Markets Want Your Work by September 30 and Oct 1 and Have Low Reading Fees. Plan now to build or expand your published writing portfolio.

  • Cherry Tree is currently accepting submissions for Issue 10, with the submission window open from August 1 to October 1, 2023. We are excited to receive your poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and literary shade pieces.

$3 reading fee. This fee not only helps pay contributors $20 per accepted submission but also allows donations to Minary’s Dream Alliance.

Submission Deadline: October 1, 2023. Visit their Submittable page.


  • Rockvale Review invites writers to submit their work for consideration in Issue Eleven, scheduled for publication in November 2023. Seeking poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction that embodies both boldness and vulnerability.

$3 reading fee

Submissions Deadline: September 30, 2023.

For more information on Rockvale Review, submission guidelines, and to submit your work, visit www.rockvalereview.com/submissions.


3.    #Articles +

🗒️ Sentimentality in Writing


Embracing Earned Sentiments in Literature: Insight from Literary Masters-(and Me)

Sentimentality in writing has been both revered and criticized. There is an argument for it.

Click here to read more

🗒️ Writing Productivity Quiz


Writing Productivity Quiz: Discover What Works For Your Style

How can you be a more productive writer by embracing your style?

Click here to read more

🗒️ Plot in Memoir


The Architecture of Plot in Memoir

The Plot propels the narrative forward, captivating readers along the way.

Click here to read more

🗒️ Copyright Basics


Copyright Basics for Your Self-Published Book

Notice This general information blog post about copyright basics is not legal advice.

For legal advice, consult a literary lawyer.

Click here to read more


End Notes


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·       *Literary Insights to Fuel Revolutionary Expressions, Narratives, and Discourse

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