Write Your Memoir With Us
This is the summer we begin our memoirs or our next writing project. I’m heading out for a few weeks on a bucket-list trip to Italy. Then a Summer of writing begins. In June, we begin our memoirs using the JUMP method. With homage to the writing process, we learn when to leap and never get stuck.
Here's our concise email with three sections to bolster your lit life a few times each month.
Big announcement: Join me. On June 26 and 27, we are going to begin our memoirs. I’ll be offering a free challenge through our FB group and a Webinar portal. Set the days aside about an hour each day/sessions at 11 am Central Time.
These sessions will be free and then you can decide if you want to join me and take a course to complete your memoir or continue your journey on your own. Either way, you’ll have a start. You won’t get stuck when you work with our complete memoir course and learn when to jump instead of getting mired in indecision. This is going to be fun and challenging and doable. So doable, that I’m writing right alongside you as we develop our stories, plot and make daily writing goals. Set the days aside/ June 26 and 27 at 11 am CST. (I’ll make replays available if the days or times don’t work for you,) Join our FB Group to access. First Person Writing Community | Facebook
Not ready to write a memoir or it’s not your thing? Write and submit to the Jack Walker Press Anthology Series. Love essays and memoirs? Write both!
2. #WritersAndReaders Articles
Jane Goodall turned 90, so a celebration is in order.
Consider two memoirs with similar themes. Will your memoir consider your deep personal life or will your book explore external subject manner. You have time to read both before we start writing memoirs next month. They were both made into acclaimed movies.
Not just for fun, but still fun. Readers crave novelty. We feast on new ideas and sounds. Shake up your writing with fun words. They might not always be appropriate, but we don't have to be stuffy to be credible. Find more than 100 examples.
Can serious writers learn from genre fiction? My book club picked a mystery, and I admit to a bit of snobbery. We never read mysteries in my MFA studies. Turns out there's much to be learned from well-written sub-genre fiction. I officially released my pearls.
3. #CallsForSubmissions
Consider these two anthologies from Jack Walker Press. Write and submit. We need your thoughtful essays.
End Notes
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