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LitFriends: New Year, New Projects
Dear LitFriends,
Happy New Year to our esteemed community of writers and readers. We hope this message finds you immersed in the joy of storytelling and creative exploration. If not, we hope you find inspiration and support to tell your stories.
“Word-work is sublime…because it is generative; it makes meaning that secures our difference, our human difference – the way in which we are like no other life.
We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.” From Toni Morrison’s stirring Nobel Prize Speech.
You are the heart and soul of our literary family and the world of ideas. Words move culture and nations. We are excited to share some plans and inspiring opportunities that await you in the New Year; to hear about yours, and to work together on joint goals.
Here's our concise email with three sections to bolster your lit life a few times each month.
1. LitFriends News
Next Anthology: Thank you to those who took our poll about the theme of our next JWP anthology. Together, we decided on ....
Well, we didn't decide on one. We decided to issue a call for two of the themes in our poll and, if we get quality submissions for both, then these will be the concepts for our next two anthologies:
- LAND THAT I LOVE. Essays about the aspirational values of the U.S. including compromise and truth.
- AGING IS OK. Essays about shaming and the process of aging versus the realities of accepted aging.
We will send the full calls for submission next month, but if you'd like to get started writing, we will be seeking first-person essays that are literary, informed, and we love funny. Don't bore us, tell a story, and aim for 500-4000 words. Work to find truth, not to have all the answers.
Next JWP Course: We are wondering if you'd like me to work beside you as you write a personal essay or complete a memoir. We'd keep the focus on your work, but you'd also be able to see me following the same method I'm teaching. Also would you like to focus on completing a personal essay for publication, perhaps a JWP anthology. Or do you want to write a publishable complete memoir? Please let me know in this brief poll .
2. New Articles
Two offerings in a new series: Mentor Texts for Writer--
Memoir Master Text for Writers: "Giving Up the Ghost" by Hillary Mantel.
"Giving Up the Ghost" beckons aspiring writers to explore its depths. Mantel offers an advanced class on using a direct voice for impact.
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Memoir Master Text for Writers: "The Hare with Amber Eyes"
Edmund de Waal weaves story, which can be abstract, with concrete physical objects. He traces the journey of a collection of Japanese netsuke, small carved sculptures, through generations of the author's family.
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A writing exercise collection inspired by objects--
Writing Creativity Unleased with Stream-of- Conscience Writing Exercises and Objects
Physical objects evoke concrete experience, memories, ideas, passage of time and more. They can hold an alchemy in the creative process. Tap into this creative potential.
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Breath of a Whale" Book Review
The Breath of a Whale: The Science and Spirit of Pacific Ocean Giants, by Leigh Calvez , 2019, Sasquatch Books, 240 pages.
This winter, your time will be well spent if you travel with Calvez and find wonder, knowledge and perhaps a connection to these great beasts, a connection that feels familial and spiritual.
3. #CallsForSubmissions
The Readsy Blog publishes a comprehensive list of writing contests for 2024. It's very extensive and you are sure to find some contenders for just the thing you want to write. Take some time to Explore it.
End Notes
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I am obligated the next three weeks and may not be posting new content until February. There's lots to keep you occupied and inspired on the writing blog.
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· *Literary Insights to Fuel Revolutionary Expressions, Narratives, and Discourse
Thanks. I like to know of opportunities.