December is a Great Month! Know Why?
LitFriends Newsletter --Because this community cares about the written word and critical thinking.
Dear LitFriends,
This holiday season, I'd like to share why this newsletter and the work of JackWalkerPress.com and AmyLouJenkins.com is so important to me.
My thoughts and opinions have evolved as I've aged (I'm in my 60's). I expect changes, hopefully improvements, will continue as long as I strive to be the best version of myself. These are ideas rooted in Emerson's ideas about individuality and self-reliance. American individuality was never about doing our own thing as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. The ideals of American individuality was always rooted in being free to be our best selves in service to our own lives, community and Nation. When I gave up University teaching, I knew narrative nonfiction and literature would be important to me for the rest of my life. Thinking on the page is important art.
Today in our divisive world where we all tend to dig in to our opinions and think weakness is being a flip-flopper. Let's embrace the flip, when facts, events, and critical thinking show us a new way to see. And, as writers, let's show that evolution of thought on the page, so we leave breadcrumbs that allow others to follow the trail of a mind at work. Let's show this in our fiction and nonfiction. If we seek truth and art, we can demonstrate a mind at work without giving a sermon. Read more about this in our article on Thinking on the Page: Navigating Beliefs in Flux.
Find out what so great about December in point number 3.
Here's our concise newsletter with three sections to bolster your LitLife.
1. Announcements From JWP
$50 Coupon
Our Black Friday Sale is over, but our first course is still in Beta launch. We seek some course testimonials--we are happy with a first name and a sentence or two. So be on of the first 15 to use coupon code ***** 50Dollars ***** for $50 off the course now priced at $79. These coupons will go quickly, so turn your writing into gifts, including short day projects and long-term projects. This isn't a literary course, more of a how-to. Our literary memoir course will be the next course offered. Explore the course Here.
Send your testimonial to AL@JackWalkerPress.com
So far, our polling about our next anthology reveals the most interest in the themes of Aging and of Aspirational America. I am getting attached to both of the ideas. Polling is open here. We will announce our decisions in the early part of the new year. We will decide together, so feel free to contact me with your thoughts. AL@JackWalkerPress.com
2. New Book Review
🗒️ Breath of a Whale, Book Review
The Breath of a Whale: The Science and Spirit of Pacific Ocean Giants A Green and Wildish Book Review/ The Breath of a Whale: The Science and Spirit of...
3. More New Book Guides
One of our favorite things about December is the holiday gift opportunities. This is a month to champion literature. We have prepared curated lists of recommended books. Give these or give your favorites. Do give books!
🗒️ Books about Nature and Parenting
Nurturing Nature: A Parenting and Nature Reading List and Gift Guide Part of our Series on Gifting Books For parents seeking inspiration in merging the joys of parenting and ...
Gift Books For Gardeners: Cultivate Inspiration with First-Person Accounts from Gardens and Nature .
Gift Books for gardeners expand ways of thinking about the interconnectedness that gardeners and nature lovers ...Click here to read more
More Book Gift Guides:
Books Make Great Gifts
Gift Books for Car Enthusiasts
Books for Science and Nature Enthusiasts: A Gift Guide
Gift Books For Runners
Gift Books For Women
Gift Books For Birders: Birding Memoirs
From Joel Books: Best Friendship Memoirs of All Time Includes the JWP anthology Friends (Amazon Affiliate Link)
End Notes
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· *Literary Insights to Fuel Revolutionary Expressions, Narratives, and Discourse