LitFriends: Breakthrough With the 2-Day Challenge!
Latest News & Updates: Free Writing Challenge, Anthologies, Course Updates and More!
Dear LitFriends
This month has been a world of opposites for me. I finished a long-awaited trip to Italy with my husband. We planned this before COVID and finally made it. I’m still happily haunted by the memories of the Faraglioni rock formations of Capri, the wonders of Rome and Venice, and the Tuscan countryside near Assisi. We glimpsed the depth of culture and the beauty and strength of a land fortified by the Apennine Mountain Range, the backbone of the peninsula. We hope to go back on a relaxing trip but wouldn’t have missed a thing.
Since home, I’ve been mired in tech as I set up our first online writing challenge. I feel like a racehorse trapped in the stall at the starting gate. Why? Because I’m doing the two-day challenge along with you. And I’m writing a new memoir along with those who take the course. Do I know what my memoir story is? Nope. I’m going to find it using the same method we use in the challenge. And I’m going to write it using the JUMP method with The Complete Memoir Course. We won’t get suck. We will leap over challenges, knowing they are normal.
Here's our concise newsletter with four sections to bolster your lit life.
# 1 Free 2-Day Writing Challenge + Big Course Discount
We are thrilled to announce a Free 2-Day Writing Challenge designed to spark your creativity and hone your writing skills, with a focus on the personal narrative! The challenge will take place on June 26 at 11:00 AM CST and June 27 at 12:30 PM CST. Can't make it live? No worries! Replays will be available later in the day on our Facebook Group. Links to Day one and Day Two. At the end of day one, we'll distribute a link for a free 56-page creative writing workbook.
Complete the challenge and receive a big discount coupon to The Complete Memoir Course: Master the Art and Craft of Writing Life Stories (for those who act quickly). This course is unlike any other—you'll be writing a memoir alongside me, and while you can go at your own pace, my goal is to have a well-crafted draft complete within a year, while meeting my other work/health/family obligations. What is your goal? The course includes 5 group workshop sessions, access to a private Facebook group, and much more!
Click here to sign up for the 2-Day Writing Challenge! Take our Memoir course or continue on your own, but get started!
Here are easy links to get to day one and day two of the challenge:
Begin Your Memoir Challenge Day One
Begin Your Memoir Challenge Day Two
# 2 Anthology Calls Update
Whooo Hoo! Submissions keep rolling in for our new Anthology calls. The Aging Anthology call has received many more entries than the Land That I Love anthology call. Writing about our nation's woes and promises is challenging but crucial. We're looking forward to receiving more great submissions for both anthologies. Keep them coming! See your essays published in the award-winning Voices anthology series.
# 3. Write-a-Gift Course Updates
Based on your feedback, we've made a helpful change. The Write-a-Gift course now allows you to experience the lessons out of order. This means more flexibility for you to create meaningful gifts at your own pace. Remember, the beta launch price will end before the holidays, so make sure to take advantage before prices rise.
# 4. New Article
From Anecdote to Personal Essay
Writing Beyond the Anecdote: Crafting a Resonant Personal Essay Transform an anecdote into a personal essay.
Writers have been told to "show, don't tell." This advice, while useful in many contexts, can be limiting and even detrimental when applied to personal essays. ...Read more
Thank you for being a part of LitFriends. We hope to see you in the 2-Day Personal Narrative Writing Challenge and look forward to reading your submissions and seeing your progress in our courses.
Happy writing and Warm regards,
End Notes
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