LitFriends Opportunity Alerts, So That Your Story Gets Out Into the World
Two New Anthologies to Write for and Two New Courses on their Way
LitFriends Newsletter
Timothy Ferriss, the American entrepreneur and investor, asks a crucial question: "The question you should be asking isn’t, ‘What do I want?’ or ‘What are my goals?’ but ‘What would excite me?’" So what are you writing?
Let's move forward and make our mark on the world. Your art, your words, your creative love can nudge the world. In support of those ends, find writing project plans and more below.
Here's our concise email with three sections to bolster your lit life a few times each month.
1.JWP Announcements For LitFriends
New Anthologies Await Your Contribution
🗒️ Exciting news from Jack Walker Press. 🌟
We're thrilled to announce that we have two new anthologies in development. A huge thank you to all our LitFriends who provided invaluable input via email and surveys to find the themes for our next anthologies. Now, we invite you to join us in sharing the call and submitting your essays.📝Read the full calls for submission before submitting and review our previous books in the Voices series to get a sense of the anthologies.
Each anthology has its own unique email address for submissions and ongoing communication. If you've already submitted but missed sending to one of these addresses, don't worry - please resubmit to ensure your work is considered. (Emails for submissions in bot avoiding code: AgingAnthology At JackWalkerPress Dot com and LandThatILove AT JackWalkerPress Dot com). [For those of you who liked the anthology theme of "silences-when to be quiet and when to speak up-" that was under consideration, note that this theme may fit in the call for "Land that I Love" as it's related to culture.]
Keep an eye out for our call for submission ads slated to appear in Poets and Writers and New Pages this summer.
For more details, visit JackWalkerPress.com and read the full call for submissions.
🌟 More Exciting News: New Writing Courses Coming Soon! 🌟
Your life experience shared as art can become a compass for others.
And guess what? We’ve got something special brewing just for you!
FIRST COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT The Personal Essay Quick Course: Unlock Your Inner Wordsmith Discover the magic of personal essays. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just dipping your toes into the literary waters, this course will ignite your passion for self-expression. We’ll delve into anecdotes, reflections, and the power of your unique voice. Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a writing adventure!
SECOND COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT The Complete Memoir Course: Unearth Your Life’s Untold Stories. Memoirs are like treasure chests filled with memories, emotions, and life lessons. In this immersive course, we’ll dive deep into your past, exploring pivotal moments and hidden gems. And this won't be just you staring at a screen listening to lessons. I’ll be right there alongside you, pen in hand, sharing my own journey. Together, we’ll craft narratives that resonate and leave an indelible mark.
🎉 Why You’ll Love It:
- No Fluff, No Fuss, No Blocks: We’re ditching clichés and getting straight to the heart of storytelling. You won't get lost because together we will learn when to jump and feed momentum to complete our story without getting stuck. We won't force your work into a stale formula. You be you--in a way that resonates for your chosen audience.
- Authentic Connection: Join a community of fellow writers who understand the thrill of putting pen to paper.
- Laughs and Tears: Brace yourself for emotional rollercoasters—we’ll laugh, we’ll cry, and we’ll create. Art tends to offer surprises, so buckle up.
🔍 Survey-Backed Insight: Our LitFriends survey revealed something fascinating: Students are most drawn to a class where I write a memoir alongside them. So, guess what? That’s exactly what we’re doing! 🤝
Stay tuned! In the next three weeks, we’ll spill the beans on enrollment details. And fear not—we won’t flood your inbox. No spam, no bugs. Just pure inspiration.
Ready to write your story? Let’s make literary magic together!
If you are ready to begin your story now, the prewriting for a memoir that the course will use is available in our free download. Five Must-Do's to Find Your Story and Begin Your Memoir Today.
If you are not taking your writing quite as seriously these days, or are ready to have some fun with your writing, take our Write-A-Gift Course where you words become fun presents that pack any any gift-giving event with meaning and make you a master of gift-giving.
2. #New Articles
🗒️ Formatting
Format Your Essay or Article for Submission.
Use this guide to format your manuscript for submission to JWP anthologies.
Free Pdf guide also available.
🗒️ Publishing 
Consider a Specialty Book Publisher for Your Next Book Project, with 27 different Listings to explore.
🗒️ New Book Reviews
Just in time for Spring- plant a garden that shares your yard or planter box with nature. Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants
Nature oddities bring delight. Here's a family book review. Weird and Wonderful Nature: Tales of More Than 100 Unique Animals, Plants, and Phenomena
3. #LitFriends Community News
Subscribers can list their news on our FB page, or message us through our Contact Us form.
Faith Shearin of Amherst, MA won the Florida Reviews Editors Prize and $1000,
for her essay "Going Home."
Jennifer Tubbs of Lubbock, TX won the Tom Howard and John Ried Essay contest for "Reflections." Her prize includes $3000 and publication on the Winning Writers Website.
End Notes
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· *Literary Insights to Fuel Revolutionary Expressions, Narratives, and Discourse